martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

How can we affect celebrities through media and how can media itself affect them too?

Media impacts our lives in many different simple yet effect effective ways. If we just drive in a highway we are bombarded by a variety of advertisements showing us what we should purchase to reach our final goal, happiness. These ads try to give an arguably false perception of contentment. The most common type of ad that I have seen is of a fit and attractive person ingesting a beverage or type of food. These deliver a subliminal message that make us believe that we should be like these people, that we should be doing what they are doing or that we can get to look like they do (fit or good-looking) by purchasing a product. Well, we also affect the media because they depend on us. So what people think about an advertisement, or the celebrity that may be on it, is important too. If we wouldn’t like the ad and we wouldn’t purchase what they want us to purchase publicity owners would probably change their methods of convincing by probably switching the person who is in the ad or just changing the whole idea. So this means that because we want to see attractive people on these ads they put them on them, as simple as that. But, what do these people on the ads go through to look like this which may end up being stressful, tiring, unbearable or perhaps even extremely unhealthy.

Heidi Montag could be an example for someone who wanted to look perfect. It even looks like she wanted to be what every woman wishes to be and whom every guy wants to be with.  Heidi Montag decided to have 10 plastic surgical procedures in one day in April, 2007. After a few years she confessed to the public that she regrets it and her insecurities (which led to surgery) began when she emerged to Hollywood. Heidi Montag also said and I quote “"I hope that people really hear what I'm saying about plastic surgery and I hope they really hear that I'm saying I would take it back," she said. "I almost risked everything, all my relationships and myself, for vanity." Hollywood is a place where a vast amount of celebrities (such as Heidi) live. Celebrities are daily being followed and taken pictures of by paparazzi’s trying to find a flaw on them, including physical flaws. Heidi Montag reached the breaking point in which she felt so un-attractive that she had to have 10 surgical procedures in just one day. The necessity of being perfect became somehow an obsession which ended up being a irreversible mistake. If the public wouldn’t pay much attention to the physics of young people like her, the media wouldn’t focus on that part and some celebs won’t ever have to go through that. It’s just the world we live in and how we think. I’m not saying that it’s the public’s fault, there are probably other factors which led to this but I can assure you that us wanting to see celebrities as “perfect people” was one of the reasons. So yes, we can also affect a celebrities’ life.


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