viernes, 22 de marzo de 2013

Description of characters in The Bluest Eye

Cholly Breedlove -

Cholly Breedlove is a relatively young afro-american adult who was abandoned by his mum at a very young age. Since then he has in a way a slight grudge for women. Cholly has a drinking problem because of the rough things he has been through. One of these would be the way he was emasculated when he lost his virginity by white coloured men that were around the area. After this he has somehow a necessity of feeling superior and that is why he treats women the way he does because he knows he is socially and physically more powerful than them, unlike the white men that humiliated him. He wasnt seen as a friendly person per-se, we can see this when it is mentioned in pg.40 that "Cholly had the meanest eyes in town". After sexually abusing of Pecola, her daughter, he walks out of the picture and dies alone at a workhouse.

Claudia McTeer - 

Claudia McTeer is the main narrator of the story. She narrates the story from a childs perception and also when she is older. She is a quite naive afro-american girl who tries to help Pecola in her situations but the main difference between Claudia and Pecola is that Claudia comes from a stable family and has a younger sister that supports her too, they are a team somehow. She sees the world and afro-american people differently than the rest does. She tries to stay positive and has good intentions. Claudia McTeer is a brave girl who protects what she believes in, equality. Even though she is a young girl she has quite mature opinions for her age and for the times she was living in. 

IOC of The Bluest Eye, Pgs.#188-190 (Audio Commentary Video)